Monday, January 13, 2014

Hey it's me, Jesenia

Hi Everyone! Welcome to my new blog! Shall I tell you a little bit about myself? OK! So I'm 26 years old and am based in the greater Los Angeles area working as a designer for home furnishings as well as running Watercolor Kisses in my free time which is my beauty blog that was started in the middle of last year. I've loved blogging there so much, I decided to start this one to share and document more personal things. Just about me, my life, what I'm up to… pretty much whatever I feel like whenever I feel like it. I'm also trying to make a lot of changes for the future and I think this is a fun way to see everything unfold!

I'm so excited I don't even know where to start! OK OK. So do you ever do new year resolutions?! I never do. I'm not one to be like "go to gym three times a week", "go to Europe" and so on and so on. Sometimes I feel like all it does is make you depressed three weeks later when you've forgotten or given up on it and the other 11 months and 1 week of the year you've gone rogue and are completely incontrollable. Then the end of december rolls around and you do it all over again. So, that might be slightly exaggerated. But you know what I mean, right? Right. That being said, I'm cautiously starting this blog as a new "chapter" in my life to document the many things I want to do in the year to come. It's like what they say about fad diets. Don't diet, do a lifestyle change. So, this is one of my lifestyle changes. I have many others of which will be posted here. Catching my drift?

I have a fear of making this into a list as opposed to just rolling with the punches on it, but (1) I like lists (see, I'm already making one without even meaning to) and (2) I need a list so that I can share and document on here. OK, let me give my fingers a stretch and get typing!

Le List
(I like to pretend I'm French, apparently)

1. Drink healthier. Put down the Pepsi and order a water for once. Yes, please.

2. Learn how to feed myself like an adult! When all the fingers you have on both hands is too many to count how many dishes you know how to cook, you have a problem. I need to get with it and learn how to whip up different things. I might even buy an apron.

3. Create! I used to do so many DIY and art projects before. I miss my crafty side. Maybe I'll get a second apron for this! (no no… overboard).

4. Stop complaining (OK, I might still complain a little) about not getting enough sleep and go out and do something! I have very long days, but there comes a time when you have two options (1) go to the party or (2) sleep. Let's go with #1 more often, shall we?

5. Explore explore explore! I want to see things I never have. Whether it's Paris or just a local city I've never been to. You never know what you'll come across! Take time from making a living to start living. Yeah? I think so!

6. Know more stories! I love reading, but you wouldn't know it from the ever growing stack of books on my "I will read you someday"pile. Someday is today!

7. Weddings! OK, this doesn't really go on a "lifestyle" change list, but it will be part of this year as I have so honorably been deemed the "Made of Honor" for my cousins wedding. So, I'll be planning and doing things with respect to that for the first half of this year. Woohoo!

8. Dream more. I know people say to dream less and do more, but I say dream more because without the dream, you don't know what you're doing. It makes sense in my head.

9. Remember your roots, kid! I was an interior design major in college and I miss it sometimes. I shall weave this in somehow! Along with that, I also used to hand render SO much before. Now? Not so much. This will change. So so excited for this to be more prominent in my life again!

10. Save save save! Sigh. OK, I need to budget better. I'm not so bad. Really, I'm not. But with this year having so much to come, I know it will be a challenge and I have this goal to one day own my own place. So, this one is always on my radar. In other words, I go
"do you really need that?"
"of course I do"
"Honestly - do you need that or do you just want that?"
"FINE!" and then I mutter "I hate you" under my breath (even though I can clearly hear myself)

So I will update this blog with what I'm up to in life as it happens. This will be a personal (or public) diary, if you will. Lots of good changes and exciting things to look forward to this year. I'm hoping for the best. I hope all of you are looking forward to a wonderful year! Nice to meet ya! See you soon :)

Kisses, J
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